2022-09-07 15:04 来源:留学在线 阅读量:
1. At Pomona, we celebrate and identify with the number 47. Share with us one of your quirky personal, family or community traditions and why you hold on to it.
翻译:在 Pomona,我们庆祝并认同数字47。请跟我们分享一个你自己、你的家庭或社区的稀奇古怪的传统,以及你坚持它的原因。
2. What item are you excited to bring with you to college?
3. Describe a time when you felt empowered or on top of the world.
1. In the past few years, is there something you have changed your mind about? Why?
2. Reflecting on a community that you are part of, what values or perspectives from that community would you bring to Pomona?
3. What strength or quality do you have that most people might not see or recognize?
整体题目未变,但对题干表述进行了微调,更加凸显威尔斯利作为女校的影响力。今年要从Wellesley 100的网站中选择两个吸引和启发申请者的项目进行阐述说明。
When choosing a college community, you are choosing an intellectual community and a place where you believe that you can live, learn, and flourish. We know that there are more than 100 reasons to choose Wellesley, but it's a good place to start. Visit the Wellesley 100 and select two items that attract, inspire, or energize you. Have fun with this and use this opportunity to reflect personally on what items appeal to you most and why.(两段,250-400词)
翻译:当你选择一个大学时,你选择的是一个知识社群和一个你相信你可以生活、学习和成长的地方。我们知道有100多个理由选择威尔斯利,但是从这里去了解是一个很好的开始。访问Wellesley 100并选择两个吸引、启发或激励你的项目。享受这个过程并利用这个机会去思考哪些项目最吸引你,以及为什么。
新增一篇Optional的文书,题目为Navigating Through Differences(克服差异),给申请人额外机会阐述自己的过往经历。
Bowdoin believes that only through building a more diverse and inclusive campus community will the College best prepare graduates to be contributing and useful citizens of the world.
Every graduate of this institution should be confident in their preparation to be able to navigate through differences and in all sorts of situations.
A Bowdoin education does not guarantee these skills, but it does impart a set of tools necessary to bravely enter unfamiliar conditions with the confidence to deal effectively with ambiguity.
If you wish, you may use this space to share anything about your personal background not otherwise captured in your application or your experience navigating through difference. (650 words)
1. Carleton’s community plan for inclusion, diversity, and equity aims to nurture and develop an even stronger community where students, faculty, and staff belong and thrive. How might you contribute to a sense of belonging at Carleton?
2. Before graduation, every Carleton student completes a senior project, known as “comps.” Comps projects take many different forms: a few recent examples are formal research papers, public presentations, and even a live staging of a theater production. Based on your current academic interests, what type of comps project or topic would you explore, and why? (No pressure, we won’t hold you to this!)
3. Traditions at Carleton center around building and appreciating community. Some examples include the new student frisbee toss, Friday flowers, and baking cookies at Dacie Moses House. If you were tasked with creating a new Carleton tradition, what would you propose and how would you emphasize community within your idea?
原Why School题目取消,改为与Community相关的2选1题目:Diversity多元化与性格塑造。
1. At Vassar, we aim to foster an inclusive community through our philosophy of engaged pluralism. Engaged pluralism is rooted in “the conviction that collaborating across differences is necessary for social transformation and critical for the well-being of any community and its members.” In short, we believe it's our differences that make us stronger. Tell us a little bit about what makes you unique and what you hope to add to our community.
翻译:在瓦萨,我们的目标是通过我们的参与式多元主义哲学培养一个包容性的社区。参与式多元主义植根于这样一种信念,即“跨越差异的合作对于社会转型是必要的,对于任何社区及其成员的福祉也是至关重要的"。 简而言之,我们相信正是我们的差异使我们更加强大。请告诉我们你的独特之处,以及你希望为我们的社区做出哪些贡献。
2. Vassar is a diverse community that inspires positive change through open inquiry, deep dives into society’s most difficult challenges, and collaborative problem solving. We care deeply about one another, the communities that have forged us, and the community we build together on campus. Tell us more about the community (or communities) you come from and how it has shaped who you are.
Why School文书改为背景塑造“Influence”类题目,同时考察科研能力与价值观。
How has your own background influenced the types of problems you want to solve, the people you want to work with, and the impact you hope your work can have?
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