留学在线 > 美国 > 留学指南 > 美国top10供应链管理硕士排名一览


2022-09-27 17:38    来源:留学在线       阅读量:



top1. Michigan State University (Broad)-密歇根州立大学商学院

Location: East Lansing, Michigan

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 36 (tie)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 31

Average salary among these graduates: $105,418

top2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)-MIT斯隆管理学院

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 5 (tie)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 36

Average salary among these graduates: $137,500

top3. Arizona State University (W.P. Carey)-亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院

Location: Tempe, Arizona

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 29 (tie)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 19

Average salary among these graduates: $109,033

top4 (tie). University of Tennessee—Knoxville (Haslam)-田纳西大学诺克斯维尔哈斯拉姆商学院

Location: Knoxville, Tennessee

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 53 (tie)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 9

Average salary among these graduates: $99,313

top4 (tie). Pennsylvania State University—University Park (Smeal)-宾州州立大学Smeal商学院

Location: University Park, Pennsylvania

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 33 (tie)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 14

Average salary among these graduates: $113,661

top6. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA)-卡内基梅陇大学泰伯商学院

Location: Pittsburgh

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 16

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 7

Average salary among these graduates: $126,429

top7. Ohio State University (Fisher)-俄亥俄州立大学费舍尔学院

Location: Columbus, Ohio

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 39

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 14

Average salary among these graduates: $107,446

top8. University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ross)-密歇根大学安娜堡分校罗斯商学院

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 10

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 26

Average salary among these graduates: $136,744

top9. Purdue University—West Lafayette (Krannert)-普渡大学西拉法叶分校Krannert管理学院

Location: West Lafayette, Indiana

Overall Best Business Schools rank: Unranked (This school declined to fill out U.S. News & World Report's main statistical survey.)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: Undisclosed

Average salary among these graduates: Undisclosed

top10. Stanford University (CA)-斯坦福大学GBS商学院

Location: Stanford, California

Overall Best Business Schools rank: 3 (tie)

Number of Class of 2021 MBA graduates with operations or logistics jobs: 0

Average salary among these graduates: Not applicable





